Thursday, July 9, 2015
Scammers are Pests!!!
Besides the many spam emails a vintage and antiques seller receives in their business email mailbox, there is the occasional "scammer" in the mix! Here is a copy of the reply to mosiac artist Frederick Lecut's blogspot, MosiacBlues, that I posted. (In April, I had not thought of posting, that the same scammer had contacted me also.)
Hello Frederick!
I also was contacted by the notorious Nathan! I'm a collector and seller of vintage & antiques. He sent me an exact replica of the emails he sent you, as he couldn't be bothered to write anything original. I suspected he was a scammer from the start,and especially when he wanted me to pay shipping. A buyer pays shipping...not the seller! I sell mostly smalls, and I am my own shipping agent, with the assistance of my husband, with packing larger items and postal drop offs. Here is a copy of the last email I sent him on 4/15/15, which of course he never answered! LOL
Hi Nathan!
I do not use the product code numbers from the cube cart, for items; buyers usually ask with the item name.
I change the complete cost of the item, to include shipping to the overseas destination, which the customer pays through PayPal. I do not contact your agent for a shipping cost. I get that
from the U.S.P.S., or UPS international. I am “selling”, so “you” pay to ship. I am always using Google...
Vesakkotic 6719
is high in the search results.... with your name displayed!
And...”everyone” now-a-days ‘has’ a PayPal account.
Take care, Diane
Read Frederick's blog, as it is an interesting read. Scammers are still using the same old tactics time after time... "I have a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you!".... :O)
See the beautiful Victorian Lace Choker at Old Fashioned Charm!
Friday, January 17, 2014
It's been way too long...Time does fly by! Time management...can I manage my time better?
I cannot believe how much time has passed since I last wrote a blog! It has been well over a year! I will not make it a New Year's resolution, as they disolve like wishes. What I will keep doing is striving for better management of my time! It seems that I have gotten involved in different social networks, like my Facebook vintage groups and friends, Pinterest, Twitter, and I run my own fb vintage advertising group, which takes alot of my time, as I 'pin' many of my fellow sellers' vintage to my Pinterest boards. Pinterest can get addictive! I might compare it to scrapbooking or collage, as it is fun, time consuming, and looking at pictures! I know I am spending more time on Pinterest...and I wander to the recipes, old victorian mansions, pics of Brad Pitt and George Clooney, etc., etc. LOL So, my blogging as fallen along the wayside... This also takes time away from listing my vintage and antique items, to sell at my Etsy Shop, my websites, and my Bonanza Booth. So many sites and too little time! I wish there were more of 'me'! What I will do is think of my blogging as a journal that I must write a bit in every day or two. Time will tell....
Visit me on Pinterest:

Luv2LuvAntiques Vintage and Antiques at Pinterest
Follow my store selling board: Luv2LuvAntiques Luvs It All! :O)
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Selling Vintage and Antiques Sometimes Has It's Ups and Downs!

About a month ago, a person had contacted me, and told me to hold an item in my shop...not asked...TOLD me! They did not give a reason, or explanation. I replied that "I had never put anything on hold, and wasn't sure how to." Were they just 'window shopping' and comparing prices?
Then just before Valentine's Day, I received a message from a college student, who asked if I could hold a ring he wanted to buy for his fiancee, until his money came in. As I'm a luver of romance, and Valentine's Day, of course I said yes to holding it for a few days! It turned out that he was able to buy it even sooner!
Most sellers are very willing to work with customers, if they need a few days, but it must be a courteous, considerate exchange both ways...
To request to put a longer hold on an item, I personally could see the layaway idea on a more expensive item, especially not to tie up an item at the last part of a seasonal shopping period, and the seller misses out on a sale, if this person changes their mind....
A seller must do what they feel comfortable with.... and count to ten with the really frustrating people!
I try to be like the little cherub, who is the mascot of my shop, so I try to have patience, and keep my little red horns hidden! LOL It's the lovely, friendly customers, who share my luv of vintage, that make it all worth while! :O)

Thursday, November 24, 2011
A Gathering Place ~ Vintage Train Case Giveaway!

For several years Rebecca Nelson, of A Gathering Place... A Gathering Place has refurbished and made-over vintage train cases, and sold them to buyers all over the world...France, England, Italy, Singapore, and well as all over America. They have been featured in Romantic Homes Magazine!
A vintage 'Gathering Case' from A Gathering Place, is to be given away to a lucky blogger...and I surely hope it is me! :O)
You may enter the giveaway, for a chance to win one of Rebecca's beautiful vintage 'gathering cases' until December 11, 2011 at A Gathering Place blogspot
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Luv2LuvAntiques Loves Angels!

I had started the Luv2LuvAntiques website with the idea of blending my luv of antiques and vintage, with my love of angels. Do you believe in angels? I definitely do! I'll share something personal with you for a moment, but I promise not to get maudlin about it...meaning tearful, or overly emotional....
There were a few times during my life that I had what seemed like a deja vu moment, with a bright positive thought coming through afterwards, with a feeling of being safer and protected! At times of great stress, through tough times, it seemed like some little thing would reach me and touch my heartstrings...
One much more important instance, was years ago when my sons were children, and I was driving the van, with them in it, coming from our family doctor's office. I was stopped at the intersection waiting for the light to turn green. I always check both ways before I proceed, even with having the right of way. Something made me look to my left a little thought or message to look twice! I did, and slammed on the breaks! A car ran their red light at full speed! If I wouldn't have looked back, we would have been seriously injured, especially my son who was sitting in the seat behind me....
That is one instance that really stands out in my mind, as it involves my boys! There are quite a few more, but I'll tell you another extremely important one....
My eldest son, on his first tour of duty in Iraq, was with a combined small unit of soldiers, who were doing searches through part of the town. Two large groups of one enemy faction, came through the town and passed by on both sides of this small unit of men! When my son was able to make a phone call home, he told me about this. He said he had never prayed so hard in his life, and so had all of the unit! He told me how the enemy had not seen them at all, and they should have all been killed....
I told him that I had 'sent' my guardian angel over there to protect him.
I had prayed to my guardian angel, all the time he was over there, through three tours of duty, to watch over and protect my son. A friend of mine told me that she thought it was the hand of God, cloaking the soldiers to make them invisible to the enemy. I would like to think it was my angel, maybe with some others, folding their wings over the men to keep them safe!
Do you believe in angels? I most certainly do! :O)
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Luv2LuvAntiques Luvs Recycling And Saving Shipping Costs!

Luv2LuvAntiques strives to make unique, and lovely, vintage and antique items available, to those who share the luv of 'old things'! Along with decor items, many household, jewelry, and clothing items, still 'have alot of life in them yet'! They can be repurposed, as well as enjoyable to use in the home!
After the fun of 'treasure hunting' is done, photographing and describing each article of clothing, piece of jewelry, household linen, or barware item, (to name a few) down to the tiniest detail, is next. Following a purchase, after a long search for that special piece, the buyer expects safe delivery of their 'find'! This entails very careful packing of the favorite item!
Careful packing of a breakable article includes wrapping properly with tissue, or perhaps heavier paper, bubble wrap securing and cushioning the item, and plenty of styrofoam peanuts packing around it. The trick is to allow a large enough box, for adequate room around that 'precious cargo', while packing firmly in the box so it doesn't move around!
I have had a few purchases of mine arrive damaged and broken, and when it is a long searched for collectible or is heart breaking! That is why I pack like 'Fort Knox"!
Having always been 'big' on recycling, I'm all for saving money on shipping too. By reusing boxes, bubble wrap, and styrofoam peanuts, that has been received, you, and your buyer, can both save!
On the lighter side...the photo above is the top layer of styrofoam peanuts in a large green garbage bag. It looks fairly nice, doesn't it? Now here is the story...
My darling hubby thought I had 'snapped' when he saw me picking pieces of styrofoam peanuts out of a large box full of mixed packing (that had contained something I had purchased online), which included shredded newspaper, and chunks of styrofoam. He had asked me why I didn't just throw it out! But when I told him the cost of purchasing a bag of 'peanuts packing', he joined in, and became a 'peanuts picker', while we sat and watched an episode of the 'American Pickers"! :O)
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Luv2LuvAntiques Luvs The Vintage List Holiday Gift Guides Gifts For Cooks!
The latest in 's Holiday Gift Guides, is Gifts For Cooks! I am happy to be a part of this! For a unique vintage gift for that special relative, friend, or coworker, visit for these gift items!

Vintage Cherry Pie Plate Ceramic at Luv2LuvAntiques!

Vintage 1950s Japanese Salad Bowl Set 7 piece Japan at Luv2LuvAntiques!
Thank you Mitzi for featuring these items in your Holiday Gift Guide! :O)
Please visit The Vintage List Holiday Gift Guide for Gifts For Cooks!

Gifts For Cooks - The Vintage List Holiday Gift Guide

Vintage Cherry Pie Plate Ceramic at Luv2LuvAntiques!

Vintage 1950s Japanese Salad Bowl Set 7 piece Japan at Luv2LuvAntiques!
Thank you Mitzi for featuring these items in your Holiday Gift Guide! :O)
Please visit The Vintage List Holiday Gift Guide for Gifts For Cooks!

Gifts For Cooks - The Vintage List Holiday Gift Guide
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