I cannot believe how much time has passed since I last wrote a blog! It has been well over a year! I will not make it a New Year's resolution, as they disolve like wishes. What I will keep doing is striving for better management of my time! It seems that I have gotten involved in different social networks, like my Facebook vintage groups and friends, Pinterest, Twitter, and TheVintageVillage.com. I run my own fb vintage advertising group, which takes alot of my time, as I 'pin' many of my fellow sellers' vintage to my Pinterest boards. Pinterest can get addictive! I might compare it to scrapbooking or collage, as it is fun, time consuming, and looking at pictures! I know I am spending more time on Pinterest...and I wander to the recipes, old victorian mansions, pics of Brad Pitt and George Clooney, etc., etc. LOL So, my blogging as fallen along the wayside... This also takes time away from listing my vintage and antique items, to sell at my Etsy Shop, my websites, and my Bonanza Booth. So many sites and too little time! I wish there were more of 'me'! What I will do is think of my blogging as a journal that I must write a bit in every day or two. Time will tell....
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